Actual company extract AMG IMPEX GROUP s.r.o. (IČO: 28429079)

Date and time of extraction: 16 Sep 2024, 00:03 (Prague time, GMT+1)
❗ The website where you see the information below IS NOT THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE of AMG IMPEX GROUP s.r.o., we dont have any their contacts, we dont know them personally. Our system just can check an official data about lefal entity AMG IMPEX GROUP s.r.o. from official Czech business register (Trade register of Czech republic).

Basic data

Legal entity name: AMG IMPEX GROUP s.r.o.
Registration number (IČO): 28429079
Taxpayer Identification Number (DIČ): CZ28429079
Registration date: 10 Jul 2008
Legal address: Česká republika, city Praha, Chudenická 1061/26, Hostivař, 10200 Praha 10
Authorized capital: 400 000 Czech crowns , paid on 50 percents
Legal entity type: limited liability company (LLC or s.r.o. in czech)
Status (Good standing): Legal entity is active
State authority registered in: Court MSPH, section C, archive number 140833

Directors (statutory)

Name: Ivan Veklyuk
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Rachiv, Zakarpatská obl.
Appointment date: 24 Mar 2009
Record created in Trade register: 26 Mar 2009
Name: Tetyana Shtets
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Kryve, Zakarpatská obl., Ševčenka 42
Appointment date: 24 Mar 2009
Record created in Trade register: 26 Mar 2009
Name: Andriy Piskunov
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Zugres, Donecká obl.
Appointment date: 24 Mar 2009
Record created in Trade register: 26 Mar 2009
Name: Valentyna Skubayeva
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Oleksijivka, Kyjivská obl.
Appointment date: 24 Mar 2009
Record created in Trade register: 26 Mar 2009
Name: Mykola Vintoniv
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Solokiv, Ivano-Frankivská obl., Dolynský okr.
Appointment date: 24 Mar 2009
Record created in Trade register: 26 Mar 2009
Name: Olga Soima
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Krasna, Zakarpatská obl.
Appointment date: 24 Mar 2009
Record created in Trade register: 26 Mar 2009
Name: Volodymyr Bohach
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Hermakivka, Ternopilská obl., Zelena
Appointment date: 24 Mar 2009
Record created in Trade register: 26 Mar 2009
Name: Yuliya Stoyka
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Tereblja, Zakarpatská obl.
Appointment date: 24 Mar 2009
Record created in Trade register: 26 Mar 2009
Name: Olena Konstantinova
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Rivne, Kostromska 3/126
Appointment date: 24 Mar 2009
Record created in Trade register: 26 Mar 2009
Name: Mihail Feraru
Address of registration: Moldavsko, Hotešt, Kontymyrský okr.
Appointment date: 24 Mar 2009
Record created in Trade register: 26 Mar 2009
Name: Mykhailo Fedak
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Tjačivka, Zakarpatská obl.
Appointment date: 24 Mar 2009
Record created in Trade register: 26 Mar 2009
Name: Andriy Kokor
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Kyjev, Ševčenko 23/5-69
Appointment date: 10 Jul 2008
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008

Additional information about directors

The way director could represent a legal entity:
  • Jednatel je oprávněn jednat za společnost samostatně. (from 10 Jul 2008)


Shareholders individuals

Name: Yuriy Alb
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Gluboki Potok, Zakarpatská obl., Tjačevo
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Mykhaylo Stasiv
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Kadobna, Ivano-Frankivská obl., Ivano-Franka 135
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Taras Matskiv
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Drohobyč, Lvivská obl., O.Vyšni 10
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Ivan Tserkunyk
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Zakarpatská obl., Tjačivský okres
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Halyna Krushenivska
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Černovci, pr. Nezaležnosti 56/24
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Volodymyr Malon
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Knyazoluka, Oliynyka
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Vira Feyer
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Jablunivka, Zakarpatská obl., Chustský okres
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Nicolae Rosca
Address of registration: Moldavsko, Soroca, Soroca
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Mykhaylo Tsubera
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Zakarpatská obl., Iršavský okr., Centralna 88
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Igor Matveev
Address of registration: Moldavsko, Chisináu, Gheorglu Asaki 62/50
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Nataliya Fendak
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Verchnij Strutyn, Ivano-Frankovská obl., Roznjativský okr., Zadovská 1/5
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Mykhailo Pasulia
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Irsava, Zakarpatska obl., Bogdana Chmelnického 2
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Vasyl Melnychuk
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Snjatyn, Ivano-Frankovská obl., V.Rusiv
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Tetyana Kamalova
Address of registration: Ukrajina, o. Stebnyk, Lvivská obl., Hruševského 11
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Nataliya Moldavchuk
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Rachiv, Zakarpatska obl.
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Tiberiy Sabov
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Rachiv okr., Zakarpatská obl., V.Byčkiv
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Halyna Sabov
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Rachiv okr., Zakarpatska obl., V.Byčkiv
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Vasyl Khuda
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Drahovo, Zakarpatská obl., Chustský okr., Kutuzova 13
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Iryna Hudzelyak
Address of registration: , Drohobyč, Lvivská obl., Brativ Kycylin 40
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008
Name: Oleg Agayev
Address of registration: Ukrajina, Korosten, Žitomyrská obl., Kirova 11/14
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns (authorized capital share paid on 50 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 1/20
Record created in Trade register: 10 Jul 2008

Licences/activities of company AMG IMPEX GROUP s.r.o.

Here you can find an information about all activities and licences of company AMG IMPEX GROUP s.r.o., In Czech Republic all company activities previously are defined in the memorandum of legal entity (type of activities), but then every, legal entity should obtain exact licences in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad"). So there are two sources we show you info, one is from a memorandum of a company (type of activities), second one is from Czech licence register (licences).

Type of activities by memorandum

There are types of activities, which is defined in memorandum of this legal entity.

  • pronájem nemovitostí, bytů a nebytových prostor bez poskytování jiných než základních služeb zajišťujících řádný provoz nemovitostí, bytů a nebytových prostor

Other information

There is no any additional info about this legal entity

The website where you see this extraction is not an official website of AMG IMPEX GROUP s.r.o.. On this page you just see an information about that company, that we were able to finde in Czech official sources using our Czech company search system. Our system can verify official data of any Czech legal entity, but we are not connected with them and this website is not a website of AMG IMPEX GROUP s.r.o.. We don't know this company personally, we can't approve (or disprove) their trustworthiness, we don't have any contacts with them. Our system is able just verify their official data.