RusCzech, s.r.o. contact information

Phone and email

RusCzech WhatsApp RusCzech Telegramm RusCzech Viber
Click on icon of needed messenger to start a chat in it. You could write or call us in this messengers, its much easier than other ways!

Office hours

Mon - Fri: 10:00 to 20:00
Sat - Sun: 14:00 to 18:00

You could visit our office only BY PREVIOUS ARRANGEMENT. Please, let us know about it before.



Office: 11000, Prague, st. Kaprova 42/14, Czech Republic

For any correspondence delivery: 17000, Prague, st. U Pruhonu 1199/19, Czech Republic

Write us right here

Unfortunately our feedback form doesn't work at this moment, please contact us by other ways. For example, you could contact us through messengers +420 773 647 696 (Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber) or by email

Legal entity information

Legal company name: RusCzech, s.r.o.
Legal address: 11000, Prague, st. Kaprova 42/14, Czech Republic
Registration number (IČO): 24312134
Tax payer number in Czech republic (DIČ): CZ24312134

Registered in city court of Prague witch archive number C 195478

Check up our company status

Bank details and connection

IBAN: CZ80 0300 0000 0002 7423 3944
Bank name: Československá obchodní banka, a.s.

Account number for Czech republic payments: 274233944 bank code 0300

Location map

Our company in social networks

RusCzech company on Facebook page