Full history extraction about SPIN SERVIS s.r.o. (IČO: 25583735)

Date and time of extraction: 16 Sep 2024, 02:05 (Prague time, GMT+1)
❗ The website where you see the information below IS NO THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE of SPIN SERVIS s.r.o., we dont have any their contacts, we dont know them personally. Our system just can check an official data about lefal entity SPIN SERVIS s.r.o. from official Czech business register (Trade register of Czech republic).

Basic data

Legal entity name: SPIN SERVIS s.r.o.
Legal entity name has no changes till today
Registration number (IČO): 25583735
Taxpayer Identification Number (DIČ): CZ25583735
Registration date: 6 Dec 1999
Registration number, tax payer number and registration date is static data, which never changes during all czech legal entity existence
Legal address: Česká republika, city Brno, Škroupova 3018/62, Židenice, 63600 Brno
earlier - Česká republika, city Brno, Škroupova 3018/62, Židenice, 63600 Brno (from 6 Dec 1999 to 17 Apr 2014)
Authorized capital: 200 000 Czech crowns , paid on Not avaliable
Authorized capital has no changes till today
Legal entity type: limited liability company (LLC or s.r.o. in czech)
Status (Good standing): Legal entity is active
State authority registered in: Court KSBR, section C, archive number 35806
State authority of company registration has no changes till today

Actually appointed directors

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Záhřebská 2497/9, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Appointment date: 6 Dec 1999
Record created in Trade register: 17 Apr 2014
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Škroupova 3018/62, Židenice, 63600 Brno
Appointment date: 6 Dec 1999
Record created in Trade register: 17 Apr 2014
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Pod kaštany 2308/26, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Appointment date: 6 Dec 1999
Record created in Trade register: 17 Apr 2014
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Jaroměř, Jana Beneše 402, Josefov, 55102 Jaroměř
Appointment date: 15 May 2003
Record created in Trade register: 17 Apr 2014
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Bořetická 4076/17, Židenice, 62800 Brno
Appointment date: 6 Sep 2011
Record created in Trade register: 17 Apr 2014

Additional information about directors

The way director could represent a legal entity:
  • Společnost zastupují vždy nejméně dva jednatelé společně. (from 17 Apr 2014)

History of company directors

Name: Kamil Bednář
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Jaroměř, Jana Beneše 402, Josefov, 55102 Jaroměř
Appointment date: 15 May 2003
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 13 Oct 2011
Record deleted from Trade register: 17 Apr 2014

Name: Martin Nešpor
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Bořetická 4076/17, Židenice, 62800 Brno
Appointment date: 6 Sep 2011
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 13 Oct 2011
Record deleted from Trade register: 17 Apr 2014

Name: Jiří Mátl
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Luh 499/4, 62100 Brno, Česká republika
Appointment date: 15 May 2003
Removal date: 29 Jul 2005
Record created in Trade register: 30 Jul 2003
Record deleted from Trade register: 1 Sep 2005

Name: Kamil Bednář
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Přibice, č.p. 175, 69124 Přibice
Appointment date: 15 May 2003
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 30 Jul 2003
Record deleted from Trade register: 13 Oct 2011

Name: Pavel Buš
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Šlapanice, Komenského 1054/48, 66451 Šlapanice
Appointment date: Not avaliable
Removal date: 15 May 2003
Record created in Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Record deleted from Trade register: 30 Jul 2003

Name: Pavel Buš
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Záhřebská 2476/16, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Appointment date: Not avaliable
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 6 Dec 1999
Record deleted from Trade register: 13 Sep 2001

Name: Radek Hruška
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Záhřebská 2497/9, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Appointment date: 6 Dec 1999
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 6 Dec 1999
Record deleted from Trade register: 17 Apr 2014

Name: Tomáš Krahula
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Škroupova 3018/62, Židenice, 63600 Brno
Appointment date: 6 Dec 1999
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 6 Dec 1999
Record deleted from Trade register: 17 Apr 2014

Name: Libor Kurdík
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Pod kaštany 2308/26, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Appointment date: 6 Dec 1999
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 6 Dec 1999
Record deleted from Trade register: 17 Apr 2014

Additional information about directors

The way director could represent a legal entity:
  • Za společnost jsou oprávněni jednat vždy nejméně dva jednatelé společně tak, že k vytištěnému či jinak označenému názvu společnosti připojí, s uvedením svého jména a označení jednatel své vlastnoruční podpisy. (from 6 Dec 1999 to 17 Apr 2014)

Prosecutor (Prokura)

Prosecutor (Prokura) - statutory authority of czech legal enity, but with limited powers.

Prosecutors history

There was Prosecutors in this company before, but this type of company authority was canceled at all. Anyway, there is history data about Prosecutors of this legal entity.
Name: Jiří Mátl
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Axmanova 528/7, Kohoutovice, 62300 Brno
Appointment date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Record deleted from Trade register: 30 Jul 2003

Actual shareholders

Shareholders individuals, active

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Jaroměř, Jana Beneše 402, Josefov, 55102 Jaroměř
Authorized capital share: 104 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 52%
Record created in Trade register: 17 Apr 2014

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Pod kaštany 2308/26, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 12%
Record created in Trade register: 17 Apr 2014

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Bořetická 4076/17, Židenice, 62800 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 12%
Record created in Trade register: 17 Apr 2014

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Škroupova 3018/62, Židenice, 63600 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 12%
Record created in Trade register: 17 Apr 2014

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Záhřebská 2497/9, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 12%
Record created in Trade register: 17 Apr 2014

Shareholders history

Shareholders individuals, history

Name: Kamil Bednář
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Jaroměř, Jana Beneše 402, Josefov, 55102 Jaroměř
Authorized capital share: 104 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: padesát dva procent
Record created in Trade register: 13 Oct 2011
Record deleted from Trade register: 17 Apr 2014
Name: Martin Nešpor
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Bořetická 4076/17, Židenice, 62800 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: dvanáct procent
Record created in Trade register: 13 Oct 2011
Record deleted from Trade register: 17 Apr 2014
Name: Kamil Bednář
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Přibice, č.p. 175, 69124 Přibice
Authorized capital share: 104 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: padesát dva procent
Record created in Trade register: 1 Sep 2005
Record deleted from Trade register: 13 Oct 2011
Name: Martin Nešpor
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Velkopavlovická 4066/5, Židenice, 62800 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: dvanáct procent
Record created in Trade register: 1 Sep 2005
Record deleted from Trade register: 13 Oct 2011
Name: Kamil Bednář
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Přibice, č.p. 175, 69124 Přibice
Authorized capital share: 104 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: padesát procent
Record created in Trade register: 1 Sep 2005
Record deleted from Trade register: 1 Sep 2005
Name: Kamil Bednář
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Přibice, č.p. 175, 69124 Přibice
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 12 %
Record created in Trade register: 30 Jul 2003
Record deleted from Trade register: 1 Sep 2005
Name: Jiří Mátl
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Luh 499/4, 62100 Brno, okres: Brno-město, Česká republika
Authorized capital share: 104 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 52 %
Record created in Trade register: 30 Jul 2003
Record deleted from Trade register: 1 Sep 2005
Name: Jiří Mátl
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Axmanova 528/7, Kohoutovice, 62300 Brno
Authorized capital share: 104 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 52 %
Record created in Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Record deleted from Trade register: 30 Jul 2003
Name: Tomáš Krahula
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Škroupova 3018/62, Židenice, 63600 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 12 %
Record created in Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Record deleted from Trade register: 17 Apr 2014
Name: Libor Kurdík
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Pod kaštany 2308/26, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 12 %
Record created in Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Record deleted from Trade register: 17 Apr 2014
Name: Radek Hruška
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Záhřebská 2497/9, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 12 %
Record created in Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Record deleted from Trade register: 17 Apr 2014
Name: Pavel Buš
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Šlapanice, Komenského 1054/4816, 66451 Šlapanice, Česká republika
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 12 %
Record created in Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Record deleted from Trade register: 30 Jul 2003
Name: Jiří Mátl
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Axmanova 528/7, Kohoutovice, 62300 Brno
Authorized capital share: 104 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 4 Dec 2000
Record deleted from Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Name: Jiří Mátl
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Axmanova 528/7, Kohoutovice, 62300 Brno
Authorized capital share: 104 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 29 Nov 2000
Record deleted from Trade register: 4 Dec 2000
Name: Jiří Mátl
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Axmanova 528/7, Kohoutovice, 62300 Brno
Authorized capital share: 52 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 6 Dec 1999
Record deleted from Trade register: 29 Nov 2000
Name: Libor Kurdík
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Pod kaštany 2308/26, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 6 Dec 1999
Record deleted from Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Name: Tomáš Krahula
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Škroupova 3018/62, Židenice, 63600 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 6 Dec 1999
Record deleted from Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Name: Radek Hruška
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Záhřebská 2497/9, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 6 Dec 1999
Record deleted from Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Name: Pavel Buš
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Záhřebská 2476/16, Žabovřesky, 61600 Brno
Authorized capital share: 24 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 6 Dec 1999
Record deleted from Trade register: 13 Sep 2001
Name: Hana Tomanová
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Elplova 2076/24, Líšeň, 62800 Brno
Authorized capital share: 52 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 6 Dec 1999
Record deleted from Trade register: 29 Nov 2000

Licences/activities of company SPIN SERVIS s.r.o.

Here you can find an information about all activities and licences of company SPIN SERVIS s.r.o., In Czech Republic all company activities previously are defined in the memorandum of legal entity (type of activities), but then every, legal entity should obtain exact licences in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad"). So there are two sources we show you info, one is from a memorandum of a company (type of activities), second one is from Czech licence register (licences).

Type of activities by memorandum, actual

There are ACTUAL types of activities, which is defined in memorandum of this legal entity.

  • výroba, instalace, opravy elektrických strojů a přístrojů, elektronických a telekomunikačních zařízení
  • Výroba, obchod a služby neuvedené v přílohách 1 až 3 živnostenského zákona

Type of activities by memorandum, history

There are HISTORY of activity types, which was earlier defined in memorandum of this legal entity.

  • zprostředkování obchodu a služeb - (from 24 Feb 2005 to 17 Apr 2014)
  • pronájem a půjčování věcí movitých - (from 24 Feb 2005 to 17 Apr 2014)
  • kopírovací práce - (from 24 Feb 2005 to 17 Apr 2014)
  • velkoobchod - (from 13 Sep 2001 to 17 Apr 2014)
  • specializovaný maloobchod - (from 13 Sep 2001 to 17 Apr 2014)
  • maloobchod provozovaný mimo řádné provozovny - (from 13 Sep 2001 to 17 Apr 2014)
  • koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej - (from 6 Dec 1999 to 13 Sep 2001)
  • výroba, instalace a opravy elektronických zařízení - (from 6 Dec 1999 to 17 Apr 2014)

Licences by Czech licence register, actual

Actual licences of legal entity, which was obtained in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad").

  • Výroba, instalace, opravy elektrických strojů a přístrojů, elektronických a telekomunikačních zařízení
  • Výroba, obchod a služby neuvedené v přílohách 1 až 3 živnostenského zákona
    • Vydavatelské činnosti, polygrafická výroba, knihařské a kopírovací práce - (valid from 2005-08-01)
    • Zprostředkování obchodu a služeb - (valid from 2005-08-01)
    • Velkoobchod a maloobchod - (valid from 2005-08-01)
    • Pronájem a půjčování věcí movitých - (valid from 2005-08-01)

Licences by Czech licence register, history

History of licences of this legal entity, which was obtained in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad"), but which now is no more valid by now.

  • Zprostředkování obchodu a služeb (from 2004-12-27 to 2008-06-30)
  • Koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej (from 1999-12-06 to 2001-07-25)
  • Specializovaný maloobchod (from 1999-12-06 to 2008-06-30)
  • Pronájem a půjčování věcí movitých (from 2004-12-27 to 2008-06-30)
  • Kopírovací práce (from 2004-12-27 to 2008-06-30)
  • Výroba, instalace a opravy elektronických zařízení (from 1999-12-06 to 2000-03-01)
  • Instalace a opravy elektronických zařízení (from 1999-12-06 to 2000-07-01)
  • Výroba elektronických zařízení (from 1999-12-06 to 2000-07-01)
  • Velkoobchod (from 1999-12-06 to 2008-06-30)
  • Maloobchod provozovaný mimo řádné provozovny (from 1999-12-06 to 2008-06-30)

Other information about legal entity

  • Obchodní korporace se podřídila zákonu jako celku postupem podle § 777 odst. 5 zákona č.90/2012 Sb. o obchodních společnostech a družstvech (valid from from 17 Apr 2014)
  • Počet členů statutárního orgánu: 5 (valid from from 17 Apr 2014)
  • Smlouvou o prodej části podniku došlo k nabytí části podniku od společnost SPIN, spol. s r.o., se sídlem Brno, Axmanova 7, IČ 41602510. (valid from from 24 Feb 2005)

The website where you see this extraction is not an official website of SPIN SERVIS s.r.o.. On this page you just see an information about that company, that we were able to finde in Czech official sources using our Czech company search system. Our system can verify official data of any Czech legal entity, but we are not connected with them and this website is not a website of SPIN SERVIS s.r.o.. We don't know this company personally, we can't approve (or disprove) their trustworthiness, we don't have any contacts with them. Our system is able just verify their official data.