Company extract Sem se těš, z. s. (07070209)
❗ It`s a quite unusual type of czech legal entities. We could provided limited data about this type of legal entities. But there is still main data about it,
and you still could check up existence of this organization or company.
Basic data
Legal entity name: Sem se těš, z. s.Registration number (IČO): 07070209
Taxpayer Identification Number (czech "DIČ"): CZ07070209
Registration date: 2 May 2018
Legal address: Česká republika, city Pšov, Semtěš 10, 36452 Pšov
Legal entity type: Association (czech. "Spolek")
Status (Good standing): Company is active
State authority registered in: Court KSPL, section L, archive number 8454
Licences/activities of company
Here you can find an information about all activities and licences of company.
- Účelem spolku je podpora kultury, sportu a vzdělávání. Snaha přiblížit tyto činnosti veřejnosti, pomocí pořádaných aktivit je zpopularizovat a zároveň oživit místa, kde se budou konat.