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Liquidation of a czech company

We provide a services if liquidation Czech companies. Always make an individual plan of legal entity liquidation, depending on clients individual situation (practically it really differs in every case). We could close Czech legal entity both with real liquidation of company or through re-registration to the new owner (if otd possible). Contact us, we will carefully study your individual situation and draw up a possible action plan. Consultation is always free.

Czech company liquidation is possible for citizens of every states, without any restrictions, the procedure have same general basis for everyone.

Price: individual, from 1290 euros

Terms: individual, depends on way of liquidation, please ask us, there is a some fast options

Work with any legal entities condition, work with any cases

Please, contact us for closure information amount prices and term. The situation is really different for every case.

There is some information, which is also could be useful for you:

Czech company information check up

As a result of liquidation procedure will be:

  • Complete release from company obligations. In any option company liquidation, you are released from all obligations under the legal entity.
  • Terms. We offer fast terms liquidation Czech legal entity. We find for you a solution, which is fast as possible.
  • Liqiudation companies in any condition. We have experience working with legal entities in absolutely different conditions and are ready to work difficult situations.
  • Price. We try to offer as fairly cons as possible.
  • No personal visit, by company directors or shareholders. We able to do all liquidation procedure on power of attorney basis.
  • Tax report if you need it. During the process of closing, we also could help your with the submission of tax reporting of a legal entity.

Our clients reviews

All reviews
Pek S.
(6 month ago)

Review: We asked to make an apostille for a marriage certificate in Prague. Arkady responded quickly, fully described the entire procedure, helped to determine the action plan and, after receiving a power of attorney from our side, made all the documents in 1 day. Many thanks and, yes - I recommend!)
(3 month ago)

Review: To obtain a residence permit in Canada, I needed a certificate of no criminal record from the Czech Republic because I lived in this country for some time. I had no opportunity to come, so I contacted this company. Arkadiy helped me get the certificate in the shortest possible time, thank you very much!
Anna S.
(last week)

Review: Arkadiy was very helpful with requesting documents from the marriage registry office, always stayed in touch, did everything very quickly, always suggested what would be better/more effective. I definitely recommend cooperation.

Why to use our services

We understand that these are rather trivial things, but we would like to said a few words about how we differ from other organizations that offer services of Czech company liquidation and why you should contact us.

Remote, without personal visit of shareholders/directors
We will easily provide all services of company liquidation remotely, without personal presence of directors/shareholders of company in Czech republic . There is absolutely no need for a personal visit, everything can be done based in power of attorney. There are always options to certify a power of attorney (contact us, we will consider the situation).
Prompt work and communication
We always try to implement liquidation of the company in the shortest possible terms. We inform you in detail about the progress of the liquidation process and try to be in touch as quickly as possible.
We always try to find an easy solution
Unfortunately, the process of liquidation of a legal entity in the Czech Republic is always quite complicated and, most importantly, quite expensive. But we always try to find for the client the easiest option as possible. Almost always we offer several options for company liquidation and client can choose the most suitable for him, depends on price cost, terms and features.
We are NOT an intermediary, we implement directly
We are located in the Czech Republic, we directly implement the procedure of your company liquidation, we are not an intermediary, we directly work with your company. That is why we can offer the best terms, the best prices and we know all information about liquidation procedure very well.
Individual approach to each client
We really work with every client as individually as possible. All companies are in different conditions, all have different situations with the location of the shareholders/directors. Based on this, we always draw up an individual action plan for each client.

Czech company liquidation in 2024

There will be a wide information for you. We just cannot write shortly about all options, there are VERY many peculiarities. This information could be useful for you, if you are interested in Czech company liquidation.

So, which options Czech company liquidation do we have in nowadays:

Liquidation by company re-registration

In this case, we are talking about changing the company directors and shareholders, so the company have new owners. So the previous owners are released from any company obligations and can forgot about this legal entity.

In this option we need a "new owner", that will be ready to take your company in the state it is in. We provide assistance in finding such a structure, contact us, we will provide more details.

Price: 1500 - 2500 Euros

Terms: 2 - 3 weeks

Summarize it: There is fastest option, easiest option through procedure to liquidate a company, but quite expensive.

Real liquidation procedure for Czech legal entity

Here we are talking about realization a real liquidation procedure of legal entity, with the removal of data from the register of legal entities of the Czech Republic (Czech Trade Register). This is the option, how legal entities should be liquidated. However, the procedure of this option is quite complicated and sometimes very troublesome. Due to this, it is not cheap and it`s the longest of all company liquidation options (this option lasts often 4-6 months). Another problem with this option is that it is not always possible to predict a successful result with certainty. According to this, this option is recommended for Czech legal entity, that has not got activity.

Price: 1500 - 2500 Euros

Terms: from 4 - 6 month

Summarize it: From our point of view, this is the most correct process for company liquidation, but also the most difficult and the longest. We recommend using this method if you are don`t have short deadlines, and the company has not been too much active.

Re-registration company

We mean if you have someone who is interested in your company. For example, there is a friend/person who is really interested in your legal entity for some further activity and is ready to take it from you. A rare option, but still sometimes encountered. In this case, our work will consist exclusively in ensuring the procedure for changing the shareholders and directors. In this option we don`t find for you the person who takes a company from you, we just making re-registration procedure between you and new owner you found. This option will be much cheaper. A number of documents will be required from all parties (we will of course inform you which documents wee need from both sides.

Price: 500 – 800 Euros

Terms: 2 – 3 weeks

Summarize it: Quite cheap and fast option of company liquidation, but you need to find a person which take a company from you, it could be complicated.

Decline/reduce the number of company shareholders and directors

If there are many shareholders and directors in a legal entity, we can try to reduce the number of shareholders and directors. In this case, one of the shareholders takes the shares of the other shareholders of company, the directors are removed from their positions. For example, there are 4 shareholders in a company, with an equal distribution of shares, 25% each. Let's say one of the shareholders is ready to take the shares of the others. Actually, the shares of all shareholders are re-register to one, and this shareholder ultimately owns 100% of company shares. The other three shareholders are discharged from the company.

Price: 600 – 900 Euros

Terms: 2 – 3 weeks

Summarize it: Cheap option, but could be used in legal entities, which have several shareholders and there is the one shareholder, who is ready accept all share from other shareholders..

Documents required for company liquidation

Almost in all cases we liquidate a company in the Czech Republic, we will need powers of attorney from the shareholders and directors of the company we carry out. Since all cases are individual, the wording of the documents may be a little bit differ. The methods of certifying powers of attorney may differs too. In any case, contact us, we will draw up specific texts of documents for your, according the way of company liquidation, we will give detailed instructions on certification this documents, also according on the location of the shareholders and directors of the company.

In general, there are 3 main options to certify documents:

  • Notarially, in state where shareholders and directors located (if they are abroad Czech republic). If they cannot visit Czech republic, we use this option quite often. It possible to certify documents at local notary. Then client send us documents to Czech republic, we translate int to Czech language a start all procedure by them. Sometimes, is needs additional apostille certify (depends on state, where client certify the documents).
  • At the Czech consulate or at the Slovak consulate. At consulates of these states, you can certify documents in Czech language. Often, clients are afraid to contact the consulate, but in fact it is easier way, than even certifying documents with a notary. The documents will be in Czech language, and it is easier and faster for us to work with such documents. However, it is not always possible to get to the Czech consulate, there are should be some in your location (but ther are many Czech consulates, all over the world).
  • Directly in Czech republic at any notary office, or at CZECHPOINT. (it`s a local Czech system of certification). It`s possible, if clients located in Czech republic or can visit state, so we can certify all right here.
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Last page update: 19-09-2024