Full history extraction about REXPO CZ, spol.s r.o. (IČO: 26232774)
Basic data
Taxpayer Identification Number (DIČ): CZ26232774
Registration date: 13 Dec 2000
Status (Good standing): Legal entity is active
Actually appointed directors
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Zlín, Fabiánka III 557, Kudlov, 76001 Zlín
Appointment date: 20 Oct 2023
Record created in Trade register: 21 Nov 2023
Additional information about directors
- Způsob zastupování: za společnost jedná a podepisuje jednatel. (from 13 Dec 2000)
History of company directors
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Zlín, nám. T. G. Masaryka 1335, 76001 Zlín
Appointment date: 23 Apr 2009
Removal date: 20 Oct 2023
Record created in Trade register: 30 May 2013
Record deleted from Trade register: 21 Nov 2023
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Zlín, nám. T. G. Masaryka 1335, 76001 Zlín
Appointment date: 23 Apr 2009
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 15 May 2009
Record deleted from Trade register: 30 May 2013
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Zlín, Bílá 536, Kudlov, 76001 Zlín
Appointment date: Not avaliable
Removal date: 23 Apr 2009
Record created in Trade register: 12 May 2005
Record deleted from Trade register: 15 May 2009
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Zlín, Bratří Sousedíků 1079, 76001 Zlín
Appointment date: Not avaliable
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 13 Dec 2000
Record deleted from Trade register: 12 May 2005
Actual shareholders
Shareholder legal entities, active
Registration number: 26904268 (Check up data)
State of registration: CZ - Česká republika
Legal address: Česká republika, city Praha, Točitá 1964/34, Krč, 14000 Praha 4
Authorized capital share: 6 420 000 Czech crowns
(paid o 6420000 Czech crowns)
Share(%) in legal entity: 100%
Record created in Trade register: 15 May 2009
Shareholders history
Shareholder legal entities, history
Registration number: 63479184 (Check up data)
State of registration: CZ - Česká republika
Legal address: Česká republika, city Zlín, Okružní 4701, 76005 Zlín
Authorized capital share: 50 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 50000 Czech crowns)
Share(%) in legal entity: not defined
Record created in Trade register: 6 Jun 2001
Record deleted from Trade register: 15 May 2009
Registration number: 64506282 (Check up data)
State of registration: CZ - Česká republika
Legal address: Česká republika, city Praha, Mladoboleslavská 330, Vinoř, 19017 Praha 9
Authorized capital share: 6 370 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 6370000 Czech crowns)
Share(%) in legal entity: not defined
Record created in Trade register: 6 Jun 2001
Record deleted from Trade register: 15 May 2009
Registration number: 63479184 (Check up data)
State of registration: CZ - Česká republika
Legal address: Česká republika, city Zlín, Okružní 4701, 76005 Zlín
Authorized capital share: 6 420 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 6420000 Czech crowns)
Share(%) in legal entity: not defined
Record created in Trade register: 20 Dec 2000
Record deleted from Trade register: 6 Jun 2001
Registration number: 63479184 (Check up data)
State of registration: CZ - Česká republika
Legal address: Česká republika, city Zlín, Okružní 4701, 76005 Zlín
Authorized capital share: 100 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 100000 Czech crowns)
Share(%) in legal entity: not defined
Record created in Trade register: 13 Dec 2000
Record deleted from Trade register: 20 Dec 2000
Licences/activities of company REXPO CZ, spol.s r.o.
Here you can find an information about all activities and licences of company REXPO CZ, spol.s r.o., In Czech Republic all company activities previously are defined in the memorandum of legal entity (type of activities), but then every, legal entity should obtain exact licences in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad"). So there are two sources we show you info, one is from a memorandum of a company (type of activities), second one is from Czech licence register (licences).
Type of activities by memorandum, actual
There are ACTUAL types of activities, which is defined in memorandum of this legal entity.
- výroba, obchod a služby neuvedené v přílohách 1 až 3 živnostenského zákona
Type of activities by memorandum, history
There are HISTORY of activity types, which was earlier defined in memorandum of this legal entity.
- koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej - (from 13 Dec 2000 to 15 May 2009)
Licences by Czech licence register, actual
Actual licences of legal entity, which was obtained in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad").
- Výroba, obchod a služby neuvedené v přílohách 1 až 3 živnostenského zákona
- Velkoobchod a maloobchod - (valid from 2009-05-04)
- Zprostředkování obchodu a služeb - (valid from 2009-05-05)
Licences by Czech licence register, history
History of licences of this legal entity, which was obtained in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad"), but which now is no more valid by now.
- Koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej (from 2000-12-13 to 2008-06-30)