Full history extraction about GOLDEN RIVER, s.r.o. (IČO: 27436721)

Date and time of extraction: 15 Sep 2024, 16:24 (Prague time, GMT+1)
❗ The website where you see the information below IS NO THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE of GOLDEN RIVER, s.r.o., we dont have any their contacts, we dont know them personally. Our system just can check an official data about lefal entity GOLDEN RIVER, s.r.o. from official Czech business register (Trade register of Czech republic).

Basic data

Legal entity name: GOLDEN RIVER, s.r.o.
Legal entity name has no changes till today
Registration number (IČO): 27436721
Taxpayer Identification Number (DIČ): CZ27436721
Registration date: 28 Mar 2006
Registration number, tax payer number and registration date is static data, which never changes during all czech legal entity existence
Legal address: Česká republika, city Praha, Rohanské nábřeží 671/15, Karlín, 18600 Praha 8
earlier - Česká republika, city Praha, Hartigova 2660/141, Žižkov, 13000 Praha 3 (from 28 Mar 2006 to 12 Aug 2021)
Authorized capital: 200 000 Czech crowns , paid on 100 percents
Authorized capital has no changes till today
Legal entity type: limited liability company (LLC or s.r.o. in czech)
Status (Good standing): Legal entity is active
State authority registered in: Court MSPH, section C, archive number 116309
State authority of company registration has no changes till today

Actually appointed directors

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Praha, Za Šmatlíkem 1042, Šeberov, 14900 Praha 4
Appointment date: 1 Jan 2015
Record created in Trade register: 31 May 2024
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Praha, Pod lipami 2662/1, Žižkov, 13000 Praha 3
Appointment date: 8 Jan 2022
Record created in Trade register: 8 Jan 2022
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Český Krumlov, 5. května 234, Plešivec, 38101 Český Krumlov
Appointment date: 27 Apr 2007
Record created in Trade register: 26 Aug 2013

Additional information about directors

The way director could represent a legal entity:
  • Za společnost jedná kterýkoli jednatel ve všech věcech samostatně. (from 3 Jul 2014)

History of company directors

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Praha, Lidická 884/6, Smíchov, 15000 Praha 5
Appointment date: 1 Jan 2015
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 16 May 2021
Record deleted from Trade register: 31 May 2024

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Praha, V rovinách 863/20, Podolí, 14000 Praha 4
Appointment date: 31 Jan 2008
Removal date: 4 Mar 2024
Record created in Trade register: 18 Jul 2018
Record deleted from Trade register: 31 May 2024

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Praha, Za Šmatlíkem 533, Šeberov, 14900 Praha 4
Appointment date: 1 Jan 2015
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 14 Feb 2018
Record deleted from Trade register: 16 May 2021

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Turnov, Granátová 1901, 51101 Turnov
Appointment date: 1 Jan 2015
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 12 Jan 2015
Record deleted from Trade register: 14 Feb 2018

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Český Krumlov, 5. května 234, Plešivec, 38101 Český Krumlov
Appointment date: 25 May 2006
Removal date: 7 Jan 2022
Record created in Trade register: 27 Jul 2014
Record deleted from Trade register: 8 Jan 2022

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Praha, Krouzova 3037/12, Modřany, 14300 Praha 4
Appointment date: 25 Jun 2014
Removal date: 1 Sep 2016
Record created in Trade register: 3 Jul 2014
Record deleted from Trade register: 15 Sep 2016

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Hostivice, Modřínová 2010, 25301 Hostivice
Appointment date: 25 Jun 2014
Removal date: 1 Jan 2015
Record created in Trade register: 3 Jul 2014
Record deleted from Trade register: 12 Jan 2015

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Lidice, 10. června 1942 35, 27354 Lidice
Appointment date: 25 May 2006
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 4 Jun 2014
Record deleted from Trade register: 27 Jul 2014

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Jeseník, Klicperova 952/5, 79001 Jeseník
Appointment date: 25 May 2006
Removal date: 25 Jun 2014
Record created in Trade register: 14 Jun 2013
Record deleted from Trade register: 3 Jul 2014

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Lidice, Josefa Štemberky 98, 27354 Lidice
Appointment date: 31 Jan 2008
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 12 Jun 2013
Record deleted from Trade register: 18 Jul 2018

Name: Jana Babůrková
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Praha, Slévačská 905/32, Hloubětín, 19800 Praha 9
Appointment date: 8 Mar 2012
Removal date: 14 Dec 2017
Record created in Trade register: 20 Mar 2012
Record deleted from Trade register: 30 Dec 2017

Name: Vilém Dostál
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Lidice, Josefa Štemberky 98, 27354 Lidice
Appointment date: 31 Jan 2008
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 4 Mar 2008
Record deleted from Trade register: 12 Jun 2013

Name: Petra Janáková
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Praha, Hurbanova 1305/11, Krč, 14200 Praha 4
Appointment date: 31 Jan 2008
Removal date: 8 Mar 2012
Record created in Trade register: 4 Mar 2008
Record deleted from Trade register: 20 Mar 2012

Name: Aneta Ponertová
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Straškov-Vodochody, Vodochody 312, 41184 Straškov-Vodochody
Appointment date: 27 Apr 2007
Removal date: 15 Jul 2009
Record created in Trade register: 8 Jun 2007
Record deleted from Trade register: 31 Mar 2010

Name: Vítězslav Hruška
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Český Krumlov, 5. května 234, Plešivec, 38101 Český Krumlov
Appointment date: 27 Apr 2007
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 8 Jun 2007
Record deleted from Trade register: 26 Aug 2013

Name: Lubor Heisig
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Praha, Troilova 439/1, Malešice, 10800 Praha 10
Appointment date: 27 Apr 2007
Removal date: 31 Jan 2008
Record created in Trade register: 8 Jun 2007
Record deleted from Trade register: 4 Mar 2008

Name: Michael Zwiener
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Jeseník, Klicperova 952/5, 79001 Jeseník
Appointment date: 25 May 2006
Removal date: 25 Jun 2014
Record created in Trade register: 12 Jun 2006
Record deleted from Trade register: 14 Jun 2013

Name: Josef Jaroš
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Lidice, Oradourská 139, 27354 Lidice
Appointment date: 25 May 2006
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 12 Jun 2006
Record deleted from Trade register: 4 Jun 2014

Name: Tomáš Uhrík
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Ostrava, Slavíkova 1389/2, Poruba, 70800 Ostrava
Appointment date: 28 Mar 2006
Removal date: 25 May 2006
Record created in Trade register: 28 Mar 2006
Record deleted from Trade register: 12 Jun 2006

Additional information about directors

The way director could represent a legal entity:
  • Jménem společnosti jedná jednatel společnosti samostatně. Je-li jmenováno jednatelů více, jedná jménem společnosti každý z jednatelů samostatně. (from 28 Mar 2006 to 3 Jul 2014)

Actual shareholders

Shareholder legal entities, active

Legal entity name: EUROPEA CAPITAL, SE (Check up data)
Registration number: 27900240 (Check up data)
State of registration: CZ - Česká republika
Legal address: Česká republika, city Praha, Rohanské nábřeží 671/15, Karlín, 18600 Praha 8
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns
(paid o 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 10%
Record created in Trade register: 15 Aug 2021
Legal entity name: SMART Office & Companies, s.r.o. (Check up data)
Registration number: 27252841 (Check up data)
State of registration: CZ - Česká republika
Legal address: Česká republika, city Praha, Rohanské nábřeží 671/15, Karlín, 18600 Praha 8
Authorized capital share: 180 000 Czech crowns
(paid o 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 90%
Record created in Trade register: 13 Sep 2019

Shareholders history

Shareholder legal entities, history

Legal entity name: SMART Office & Companies, s.r.o. (Check up data)
Registration number: 27252841 (Check up data)
State of registration: CZ - Česká republika
Legal address: Česká republika, city Praha, Hartigova 2660/141, Žižkov, 13000 Praha 3
Authorized capital share: 180 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 90%
Record created in Trade register: 3 Jul 2014
Record deleted from Trade register: 13 Sep 2019
Legal entity name: EUROPEA CAPITAL, SE (Check up data)
Registration number: 27900240 (Check up data)
State of registration: CZ - Česká republika
Legal address: Česká republika, city Praha, Hartigova 2660/141, Žižkov, 13000 Praha 3
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 10%
Record created in Trade register: 3 Jul 2014
Record deleted from Trade register: 15 Aug 2021
Legal entity name: SMART Office & Companies, s.r.o. (Check up data)
Registration number: 27252841 (Check up data)
State of registration: CZ - Česká republika
Legal address: Česká republika, city Praha, Hartigova 2660/141, Žižkov, 13000 Praha 3
Authorized capital share: 180 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 90 %
Record created in Trade register: 31 Mar 2010
Record deleted from Trade register: 3 Jul 2014
Legal entity name: EUROPEA CAPITAL, SE (Check up data)
Registration number: 27900240 (Check up data)
State of registration: CZ - Česká republika
Legal address: Česká republika, city Praha, Hartigova 2660/141, Žižkov, 13000 Praha 3
Authorized capital share: 20 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 10 %
Record created in Trade register: 31 Mar 2010
Record deleted from Trade register: 3 Jul 2014
Legal entity name: NATLAND GROUP LIMITED, IČ HE 155549
Registration number: Not avaliable
State of registration: CY - Kypr
Legal address: Kypr, Limassol, Pikioni 4, 3075
Authorized capital share: 100 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 50%
Record created in Trade register: 8 Jun 2007
Record deleted from Trade register: 31 Mar 2010
Legal entity name: COMPANY EXPRESS LLC, IČ: 031123000869
Registration number: Not avaliable
State of registration: US - Spojené státy americké
Legal address: Spojené státy americké, New York, Albany, State Street, 3rd Floor 46, NY 12207
Authorized capital share: 100 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 50%
Record created in Trade register: 12 Jun 2006
Record deleted from Trade register: 31 Mar 2010
Legal entity name: NATLAND Limited, IČ HE 155549
Registration number: Not avaliable
State of registration: CY - Kypr
Legal address: Kypr, Limassol, Pikioni 4, 3075
Authorized capital share: 100 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 50%
Record created in Trade register: 12 Jun 2006
Record deleted from Trade register: 8 Jun 2007
Legal entity name: COMPANY EXPRESS LLC, IČ: 031123000869
Registration number: Not avaliable
State of registration: US - Spojené státy americké
Legal address: Spojené státy americké, New York, Albany, State Street, 3rd Floor 46, NY 12207
Authorized capital share: 200 000 Czech crowns
(paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 100%
Record created in Trade register: 28 Mar 2006
Record deleted from Trade register: 12 Jun 2006

Licences/activities of company GOLDEN RIVER, s.r.o.

Here you can find an information about all activities and licences of company GOLDEN RIVER, s.r.o., In Czech Republic all company activities previously are defined in the memorandum of legal entity (type of activities), but then every, legal entity should obtain exact licences in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad"). So there are two sources we show you info, one is from a memorandum of a company (type of activities), second one is from Czech licence register (licences).

Type of activities by memorandum, actual

There are ACTUAL types of activities, which is defined in memorandum of this legal entity.

  • Poradenská a konzultační činnost, zpracování odborných studií a posudků Poskytování služeb pro právnické osoby a svěřenské fondy Pronájem nemovitostí, bytů a nebytových prostor Správa vlastního jmění

Type of activities by memorandum, history

There are HISTORY of activity types, which was earlier defined in memorandum of this legal entity.

  • výroba, obchod a služby neuvedené v přílohách 1 až 3 živnostenského zákona - (from 3 Jul 2014 to 8 Jan 2022)
  • pronájem nemovitostí, bytů a nebytových prostor bez poskytování jiných než základních služeb spojených s pronájmem - (from 28 Mar 2006 to 3 Jul 2014)
  • pronájem nemovitostí, bytů a nebytových prostor - (from 3 Jul 2014 to 8 Jan 2022)
  • správa vlastního majetku - (from 3 Jul 2014 to 8 Jan 2022)

Licences by Czech licence register, actual

Actual licences of legal entity, which was obtained in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad").

  • Výroba, obchod a služby neuvedené v přílohách 1 až 3 živnostenského zákona
    • Poradenská a konzultační činnost, zpracování odborných studií a posudků - (valid from 2021-05-20)
    • Poskytování služeb pro právnické osoby a svěřenské fondy - (valid from 2021-05-20)

Licences by Czech licence register, history

History of licences of this legal entity, which was obtained in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad"), but which now is no more valid by now.

  • Činnost podnikatelských, finančních, organizačních a ekonomických poradců (from 2006-09-12 to 2008-06-30)

Other information about legal entity

  • Na základě projektu fúze sloučením ze dne 12.10.2023 zanikly společnosti CRYSTAL RIVER, s.r.o., IČO 24711951, sídlem Rohanské nábřeží 671/15, 18600 Praha 8, PLATINUM RIVER, s.r.o., IČO 28378288, sídlem Rohanské nábřeží 671/15, 18600 Praha 8, SMART Office, s.r.o., IČO 28900057, sídlem Rohanské nábřeží 671/15, 18600 Praha 8, FIRMOMAT, s.r.o., IČO 03913686, sídlem Politických vězňů 912/10, 11000 Praha 1, a HARVERTS, s.r.o., IČO 10894179, sídlem Antala Staška 1859/34, 14000 Praha 4, a jejich jmění přešlo na nástupnickou společnost GOLDEN RIVER, s.r.o., IČO 27436721, sídlem Rohanské nábřeží 671/15, 18600 Praha 8. (valid from from 1 Dec 2023)
  • Obchodní korporace se podřídila zákonu jako celku postupem podle § 777 odst. 5 zákona č. 90/2012 Sb., o obchodních společnostech a družstvech. (valid from from 3 Jul 2014)

The website where you see this extraction is not an official website of GOLDEN RIVER, s.r.o.. On this page you just see an information about that company, that we were able to finde in Czech official sources using our Czech company search system. Our system can verify official data of any Czech legal entity, but we are not connected with them and this website is not a website of GOLDEN RIVER, s.r.o.. We don't know this company personally, we can't approve (or disprove) their trustworthiness, we don't have any contacts with them. Our system is able just verify their official data.