Full history extraction about RS agentura práce s.r.o. (IČO: 41600266)

Date and time of extraction: 17 Sep 2024, 19:17 (Prague time, GMT+1)
❗ The website where you see the information below IS NO THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE of RS agentura práce s.r.o., we dont have any their contacts, we dont know them personally. Our system just can check an official data about lefal entity RS agentura práce s.r.o. from official Czech business register (Trade register of Czech republic).

Basic data

Legal entity name: RS agentura práce s.r.o.
earlier - Obchodní služby cihelen, spol. s r.o. (from 19 Jul 1991 to 11 Dec 2019)
Registration number (IČO): 41600266
Taxpayer Identification Number (DIČ): CZ41600266
Registration date: 19 Jul 1991
Registration number, tax payer number and registration date is static data, which never changes during all czech legal entity existence
Legal address: Česká republika, city Plzeň, Husova 1244/69, Jižní Předměstí, 30100 Plzeň
earlier - Česká republika, city Plzeň, Švandova 415/7, Bolevec, 32300 Plzeň (from 11 Dec 2019 to 20 Mar 2021)
earlier - Česká republika, city Tachov, Petra Jilemnického 2131, 34701 Tachov (from 1 Apr 2016 to 11 Dec 2019)
earlier - Česká republika, city Brno, Mezírka 775/1, Veveří, 60200 Brno (from 22 Feb 2016 to 1 Apr 2016)
earlier - Česká republika, city Brno, Mezírka 775/1, Veveří, 60200 Brno (from 27 Oct 2004 to 22 Feb 2016)
earlier - Česká republika, city Brno, Mezírka 775/1, Veveří, 60200 Brno (from 24 Aug 1993 to 27 Oct 2004)
earlier - Česká republika, city Brno, Brno, Česká republika (from 19 Jul 1991 to 24 Aug 1993)
Authorized capital: 1 745 000 Czech crowns , paid on Not avaliable
earlier - 6 000 000 Czech crowns , paid on Not avaliable
earlier - 100 000 Czech crowns , paid on Not avaliable
Legal entity type: limited liability company (LLC or s.r.o. in czech)
Status (Good standing): Legal entity is active
State authority registered in: Court KSPL, section C, archive number 32569
earlier - Court KSBR, section C, archive number 1938 (from 19 Jul 1991 to 8 Apr 2016) ;

Actually appointed directors

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Plzeň, Sokolovská 1117/125, Bolevec, 32300 Plzeň
Appointment date: 10 Dec 2019
Record created in Trade register: 11 Dec 2019

Additional information about directors

The way director could represent a legal entity:
  • Jednatel zastupuje společnost samostatně. (from 18 Feb 2016)

History of company directors

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Tachov, Petra Jilemnického 2131, 34701 Tachov
Appointment date: 8 Mar 2016
Removal date: 9 Dec 2019
Record created in Trade register: 1 Apr 2016
Record deleted from Trade register: 11 Dec 2019

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Kachlíkova 888/10, Bystrc, 63500 Brno
Appointment date: 19 Jul 1991
Removal date: 8 Mar 2016
Record created in Trade register: 22 Feb 2016
Record deleted from Trade register: 1 Apr 2016

Name: Karel Konečný
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Kachlíkova 888/10, Bystrc, 63500 Brno
Appointment date: 19 Jul 2004
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 27 Oct 2004
Record deleted from Trade register: 27 Oct 2004

Name: Karel Konečný
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Kachlíkova 888/10, Bystrc, 63500 Brno
Appointment date: 19 Jul 1991
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 27 Oct 2004
Record deleted from Trade register: 22 Feb 2016

Name: Karel Konečný
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Kachlíkova 888/10, Bystrc, 63500 Brno
Appointment date: Not avaliable
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 24 Aug 1993
Record deleted from Trade register: 27 Oct 2004

Name: Konečný Karel JUDr.
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Kachlíkova 888/10, Bystrc, 63500 Brno
Appointment date: Not avaliable
Removal date: Not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 19 Jul 1991
Record deleted from Trade register: 24 Aug 1993

Additional information about directors

The way director could represent a legal entity:
  • Zastupování: Za společnost jedná a podepisuje jednatel. (from 24 Aug 1993 to 18 Feb 2016)

Actual shareholders

Shareholders individuals, active

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Blatnice, č.p. 272, 33025 Blatnice
Authorized capital share: 1 745 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 100 percents
Record created in Trade register: 8 Dec 2023

Shareholders history

Shareholders individuals, history

Address of registration: Česká republika, city Plzeň, Husova 1244/69, Jižní Předměstí, 30100 Plzeň
Authorized capital share: 1 745 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 100 percents
Record created in Trade register: 24 Oct 2020
Record deleted from Trade register: 8 Dec 2023
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Příbram, Školní 72, Příbram VIII, 26101 Příbram
Authorized capital share: 1 745 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 100 percents
Record created in Trade register: 11 Dec 2019
Record deleted from Trade register: 24 Oct 2020
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Tachov, Petra Jilemnického 2131, 34701 Tachov
Authorized capital share: 1 745 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 100 percents
Record created in Trade register: 1 Apr 2016
Record deleted from Trade register: 11 Dec 2019
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Kachlíkova 888/10, Bystrc, 63500 Brno
Authorized capital share: 1 745 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100 percents)
Share(%) in legal entity: 100 percents
Record created in Trade register: 18 Feb 2016
Record deleted from Trade register: 1 Apr 2016
Name: Karel Konečný
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Kachlíkova 888/10, Bystrc, 63500 Brno
Authorized capital share: 6 000 000 Czech crowns (paid on 6000000 Czech crowns)
Share(%) in legal entity: 100 %
Record created in Trade register: 27 Oct 2004
Record deleted from Trade register: 18 Feb 2016
Name: Karel Konečný
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Kachlíkova 888/10, Bystrc, 63500 Brno
Authorized capital share: 6 000 000 Czech crowns (paid on 6000000 Czech crowns)
Share(%) in legal entity: not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 17 May 1995
Record deleted from Trade register: 27 Oct 2004
Name: Karel Konečný
Address of registration: Česká republika, city Brno, Kachlíkova 888/10, Bystrc, 63500 Brno
Authorized capital share: 100 000 Czech crowns (paid on 100000 Czech crowns)
Share(%) in legal entity: not avaliable
Record created in Trade register: 24 Aug 1993
Record deleted from Trade register: 17 May 1995

Licences/activities of company RS agentura práce s.r.o.

Here you can find an information about all activities and licences of company RS agentura práce s.r.o., In Czech Republic all company activities previously are defined in the memorandum of legal entity (type of activities), but then every, legal entity should obtain exact licences in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad"). So there are two sources we show you info, one is from a memorandum of a company (type of activities), second one is from Czech licence register (licences).

Type of activities by memorandum, actual

There are ACTUAL types of activities, which is defined in memorandum of this legal entity.

  • zprostředkování zaměstnání podle ust. § 60 odst. 1 zákona o zaměstnanosti, pro všechny druhy prací ve všech oborech, ve formách zprostředkování zaměstnání podle ust. § 14 odst. 1 písm. a) b) a c) zákona o zaměstnanosti
  • Výroba, obchod a služby neuvedené v přílohách 1 až 3 živnostenského zákona

Type of activities by memorandum, history

There are HISTORY of activity types, which was earlier defined in memorandum of this legal entity.

  • Obchodní živnost - koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej - (from 24 Aug 1993 to 18 Feb 2016)
  • Reklamní činnost - (from 24 Aug 1993 to 18 Feb 2016)
  • Zprostředkovatelská činnost - (from 24 Aug 1993 to 18 Feb 2016)
  • Obstaravatelská činnost - (from 24 Aug 1993 to 18 Feb 2016)
  • Marketingové služby - (from 24 Aug 1993 to 18 Feb 2016)
  • - nákup a prodej stavebních materiálů, výrobků hutnictví a železa - velkoobchodní a maloobchodní činnost - nákup a prodej průmyslového zboží, drogistického zboží, textilu, potravinářských výrobků, elektrotechniky, velkoobchodní a maloobchodní činnost v těchto druzích výrobků - propagace a marketing - stavební činnost, výroba a montáže strojírenských zařízení a technologie - poradenská a konzultační činnost - provoz ubytovacích a občerstvovacích zařízení - zprostředkovatelská a obstaravatelská činnost ve prospěch třetích osob - (from 19 Jul 1991 to 24 Aug 1993)

Licences by Czech licence register, actual

Actual licences of legal entity, which was obtained in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad").

  • Výroba, obchod a služby neuvedené v přílohách 1 až 3 živnostenského zákona
    • Reklamní činnost - (valid from 1992-10-21)
    • Zprostředkovatelská činnost - (valid from 1992-10-21)
    • Marketingové služby - (valid from 1992-10-21)
    • Obchodní živnost - koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej - (valid from 1992-10-21)
    • Obstaravatelská činnost - (valid from 1992-10-21)

Licences by Czech licence register, history

History of licences of this legal entity, which was obtained in Czech licence register ("živnostenský úřad"), but which now is no more valid by now.

  • Obstaravatelská činnost (from 1992-10-21 to 2008-06-30)
  • Obchodní živnost - koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej (from 1992-10-21 to 2008-06-30)
  • Reklamní činnost (from 1992-10-21 to 2008-06-30)
  • Marketingové služby (from 1992-10-21 to 2008-06-30)
  • Zprostředkovatelská činnost (from 1992-10-21 to 2008-06-30)

Other information about legal entity

  • Obchodní korporace se podřídila zákonu jako celku postupem podle § 777 odst. 5 zákona č. 90/2012 Sb., o obchodních společnostech a družstvech. (valid from from 18 Feb 2016)
  • Způsob zřízení: Notářským zápisem o založení spol. s r. o. sepsaným na státním notářství Brno - město dne 11.7.1991 pod č.1 NZ 269/91, 1 N 309/91. (valid from from 19 Jul 1991)

The website where you see this extraction is not an official website of RS agentura práce s.r.o.. On this page you just see an information about that company, that we were able to finde in Czech official sources using our Czech company search system. Our system can verify official data of any Czech legal entity, but we are not connected with them and this website is not a website of RS agentura práce s.r.o.. We don't know this company personally, we can't approve (or disprove) their trustworthiness, we don't have any contacts with them. Our system is able just verify their official data.